Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a good test taker. I may have a big smile on my face in this picture...

...but I wasn't thinking about what my next rank respondibilities entailed at that particular moment. See I made the rank but I haven't actually put it on yet, I will have to wait until april or may for that, but my shop doesn't have very many people in it so responsibility only has a few shoulders to rest on. Consequently I have been forced into the role of Staff Sargeant( a mainly supervisory role) without any experience in that position. Needless to say it has been frying my nerves! The worst part is that I know everyone of the supervisors above me has their eyes on me just waiting to see how I handle the different situations that come up. There is a part of me that wishes I would just mess everything up and let them put me in some other position where I won't have so much responsibility, but the other part of me doesn't want to let those supervisors down. I know they like me and they think I am the right guy for the job, but they won't hesitate to replace me if I am not doing what I need have to do. This is the first time I have ever been in a position like this and I never realized how tough it can be! I definitely never gave my past supervisors enough credit and I never really realized what they did for us when I was just a worker.

This is the weird part though: I've always been very adamant about how I would much rather just work, but since I have been put in this position I'm not so sure any more...its kinda scary.


Anonymous said...

You were meant to have leadership responsiblilities, you just weren't ready yet-and maybe you were a bit scared or lacked the confidence. You have a good head on your shoulders, are caring and fair and you listen and think too. All good and necessary qualities for your new responsibilities. ALS will help too!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention how nice it was to see the picture of you getting your promotion certificate! Sure wish we could have been there in person!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again on your promotion. I wonderful to see you reaping the rewards of all your hard work. Remember: adhere to God's calling and wait on His timing, and everything else will fall into place.

Take Care